Wednesday 18 March 2015

Wars, Conflicts + Vendetta's

Wars, Conflicts + Vendetta’s.
Conflict between Salvatore D’Aquila [Palermitani] and the combined LoMonti / Mineo / Schiro factions.  Power struggle following jailing of Lupo and Morello. Source Salvatore Clemente [Secret Service informant].

4th November  1913  -  Giuseppe Fontana [D’Aquila] -   Killed.

25th November  1913  -  Giuseppe Fanara [D’Aquila]  -  Killed.

23rd May  1914  - Fortunato Lomonti  [Corleone]  -  Killed.
                                [Suspects Valenti, DeMino + Biondo]

7th October  1915  -  Ippolito Greco [Corleone]  -  Killed.

13th October  1915  -  Gaetano Lomonti [Corleone]  -  Killed.
                                      [Killer Antonio Impelluso executed].

D’Aquila becomes dominant power, and his ally Salvatore Loiacano becomes Head of the Corleonese faction.

Summer 1920  -  Lupo + Morello paroled.   Morello allied to Castellammarese [Good Killers].
D’Aquila has Lupo, Morello and followers banished, and they flee to Italy to seek support.

10th December  1920  -  Salvatore Loiacano  -  Killed.
                                            [Refused to step-down, friends vow revenge at funeral].

29th December  1920  -  Salvatore Mauro  -  Killed.
                                             [Suspects – Good Killers].

23rd January  -  Angelo Patricola  -  Killed.
                             [Suspects – Good Killers].

26th January  -  George Terranova [Corleonese]  -  Killed.

1st February  -  Angelo Lagatutta + Salvatore Pollaccia  wounded.
                            [Suspects – Good Killers].

21st February  -  Giuseppe Granatelli  -  Killed.
                               [Suspects – Good Killers].

11th April  -  Carmelo Nicolosi [Corleonese ?]  -  wounded.

17th May  -  Giuseppe Lagumina [Corleonese ?]  -  Killed.

13th October  -  Joseph Viserti [Corleonese ally]  -  Killed.

10th December  -  Salvatore Riccobono [Palermitani ?]  -  Killed.

All banished members return to NYC.  Morello allies with Giuseppe Masseria, Lupo moves to Brooklyn, and D’Aquila reconciles with Umberto Valenti.

8th May  -  Vincenzo Terranova [Corleonese]  -  Killed.
Same day – attempt on Umberto Valenti, Sylvio Tagliagambe killed.
                                           [Suspect – Giuseppe Masseria].

19th May  -  Accursio DiMino [Palermitani]  -  Killed.

8th August  -  attempt on Giuseppe Masseria.
                         [Suspects – Rannelli brothers].

11th August  -  Umberto Valenti   -  Killed.
                           [Suspect – Masseria].

6th March  -  Giovanni Pecoraro [Corleonese]  -  Killed.
                     [Suspect – Filippo Mangano].

13th June  -  Michael Nicolosi [Corleonese]  -  Killed.

19th June  -  Vincenzo Salemi [Corleonese]  -  Killed.

26th August  -  Peace meeting at Highlands, NY. Lupo and others re-instated.
Morello + Masseria still banned.  Masseria starts to induct non-Sicilians to his faction.

 10th October  1928  -  Salvatore D’Aquila [Head ]  -  Killed.
Morello becomes National Head, Masseria heads Corleonese, Manfredi Mineo succeeds D’Aquila as Palermitani head.

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